Clinical services

I do offer clinical services, which means all my work is based on special knowledge that is required, which I use through methodology of Gestalt and Hypnosis phenomenon.

Group Therapy

Workshop also is educational approach for the group of people who they feel they can be helped by peers. Workshops has educational foundation, facilitating sessions within group of people is based on social education that includes, social and ethical norms within sessions, acceptance, adaptation and list go on.

Clinical Hypnosis

Spiegel 1994
“Hypnosis is a natural state of aroused, attentive focal concentration with a relative suspension of peripheral awareness. It involves an intensity of focus that allows the hypnotized person to make maximal use of innate abilities to control perception, memory and somatic function.”

Art Therapy

“Art always has been strong tool for expression of feeling and understanding of the self and its Surrounding yet, subject matter of art also has been overlooked, ignored, denied for various (cultural, intellectual), reasons. However, art therapy is very strong tool to deal with inner and outer conflict of any individual at any age.”

Clinical Supervision

"Clinical supervision is an approach and consolidates professional identity as it directly addresses the dialectic between an individual's maturational process and a facilitating environment."

Gestalt Therapy

“Here & Now”; Gestalt Therapy is focusing on the moment, the now, here and now. The idea of the now and the immediate moment in terms of content and structure of present experience is the most important principle of the Gestalt methodology. The now contains experience, awareness, and reality. Now = Experience = Awareness = Reality.

Awareness is an interplay in which both the person and the environment participates. “Contact”; Contacting is the way we change and grow. It is a movement within inner self and outer Self. It is the way we grasp our lives and organize our environment for the best achievement and solutions that will support individual growth.